
July 5th, 2024

NH psychologist combines running, therapy

By Catherine Robertson Souter

If “motion is lotion” for the body, what must it do for the mind? With evidence backing the theory that exercise provides a therapeutic boost for mental health, a...

January 2nd, 2024

‘Stress in America’ survey shows adults have collective trauma

By Susan Gonsalves

Data from the most recent “Stress in America,” survey shows that people of all ages are still experiencing trauma from the pandemic that has impacted their physical and...

May 2nd, 2022

Good customer service benefits patients and practitioner

By Catherine Robertson Souter

The term “customer service” brings to mind smiling hotel clerks welcoming guests, or a helpful sales associate offering to “grab you a different size”...

January 9th, 2022

Spurwink’s ShifaME helps refugees, immigrants through mental health care, education

By Eileen Weber

Editor’s note: three years ago, New England Psychologist featured a story about Spurwink Services in Maine implementing the SHifaME program, based on Trauma Systems...

August 20th, 2021

Helping clients uncover emotional intelligence is key to therapist’s work

By Catherine Robertson Souter

At the base of everything that a therapist does, helping patients to reach a level of emotional balance is key. There may be many modalities used in the therapy room, from CBT...

July 10th, 2021

When your patient gets angry

By Marie Hartwell-Walker, Ed.D.

If you’ve grown up on Marvel Comics, you know the Incredible Hulk’s line: “Don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.” Some of our patients are...

December 7th, 2020

Massachusetts clinic has virtual take on neuropsychology exams

By Eileen Weber

After several months of a pandemic, mask wearing, hand sanitizer, and maintaining a social distance is like second nature for most people. The need for those measures is not...

July 14th, 2020

Working with clients of color requires training, more listening

By Catherine Robertson Souter

In a perfect world, the color of one’s skin should not affect a therapeutic relationship. However, this is America 2020 and it apparently does.

For instance,...

July 14th, 2020

COVID-19 changes in training lead to access improvement

By New England Psychologist Staff

In late March, the Association of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) decided to revise what counts toward clinical psychology graduate student training...

April 18th, 2020

Working towards cultural competence in therapy

By New England Psychologist Staff

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