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March 30th, 2024

Study: High schoolers who use alcohol, cannibas or nicotine at higher risk for mental health disorders

By Beth Negus Viveiros

A new study shows that high school students who reported cannabis, alcohol, or nicotine use were more likely to experience a number of mental health issues, including suicidal...

March 29th, 2024

RI to open first supervised drug use site

By Beth Negus Viveiros

Center is creating protocols for overdoses

Rhode Island’s first state-regulated overdose center is slated to open in Providence this...

March 29th, 2024

Stigmatizing questions removed from healthcare credentialing processes

By Beth Negus Viveiros

Mass. joins other New England states with practice

In a move to reduce the stigma of seeking mental health...

March 28th, 2024

Gun procurement laws under scrutiny

By Ami Albernaz

Shootings prompt proposals for change

Gun laws in Maine and New Hampshire have come under scrutiny following a mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine last...

March 28th, 2024

Licensing master’s level psychologists could help fill gaps

By Beth Negus Viveiros

About 160 million Americans live in areas with mental health professional shortages, with more than 8,000 additional professionals needed to fill the demand, according to the...

March 28th, 2024

NH bill targets transitional housing

By Eileen Weber

New Hampshire is trying to improve transitional housing for people with mental illness who might otherwise be homeless.

Currently under committee perusal, Senate Bill...

March 4th, 2024

Connecticut Medical Center opens new pediatric facility

By Eileen Weber

Connecticut Children’s Medical Center in Hartford, Conn. is one of two units in New England and the only one in Connecticut that provides both pediatric and psychiatric...

March 1st, 2024

Text line option offered by Rutland Mental Health Services Community Care Network

By Danielle Ray

VERMONT – Rutland Mental Health Services Community Care Network began offering a text line around the same time as the transition to the 988 Suicide &...

February 3rd, 2024

Marketing to the public versus peers

By Ellen Anderson, Ph.D

When I began my career, in the early 1990s, word of mouth, recommendations from health providers and insurance provider directories were the primary methods I used to find a...

February 3rd, 2024

Rhode Island joins PSYPACT to increase providers, decrease wait times

By Eileen Weber

Since the pandemic, mental health issues for both children and adults have increased, creating a widespread push for online access to healthcare.

As a result, Rhode...

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