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October 1st, 2023

Are psychologists more vulnerable to violence?

By Ami Albernaz

As legislation aimed at curbing the rights of transgender people has gained momentum, Sidney Trantham, Ph.D., a Brookline, Mass. psychologist who works with transgender and...

September 9th, 2020

Confiding in others identified as the strongest protection against depression

By New England Psychologist Staff

A new study has found that strong social connections are the strongest protective factor for depression.

“Depression is the leading cause of disability world-wide,”...

August 18th, 2020

Running on comet time

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

There’s nothing like the appearance of a bright comet to remind us that beautiful surprises are always possible no matter what else is happening in the world. I had seen four...

March 23rd, 2020

Reducing anxiety during a world-wide health scare

By John Grohol, Psy.D.

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