Columnists, In Person

November 10th, 2023

Whose story is it anyway?

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

Psychologists are story people, especially when we are trying to help people make more satisfying stories of their lives. Because I am a story person, I am still mulling over...

September 30th, 2023

Writing a spiritual autobiography

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

There will be eight of us, nine if you count me, the workshop leader, lighting up those little Zoom squares like stars blinking onto a twilight sky, one here, a cluster there,...

September 4th, 2023

How to elect a president

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

Four years go by fast, especially at my age. The last four have given us the COVID pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the emergence of artificial intelligence, record breaking heat...

August 5th, 2023

Whistler’s son

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

My father was a whistler. He whistled while he waited for the bus and for the family to get ready to go wherever we were going with him. And he whistled in his hospital bed...

July 1st, 2023

Sages & Seekers: Bridging the generation divide

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

Did you ever have a piece of art work displayed? Were you ever on TV? Were you ever arrested? Did you ever run away from home? Were you ever in a room with a famous person?...

June 4th, 2023

The joy of reading

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

“Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested…” – Francis Bacon

Tasted, swallowed, and digested – I’ve done...

May 2nd, 2023

Finding the light

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

In March, I wrote about the challenge of walking in the dark, finding our way in life through a series of decisions guided in each case by unreliable and insufficient...

April 2nd, 2023

Frank & ChatGPT: My digital therapists then & now

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

Thirty years ago in my first year of writing this column, I described my encounter with Frank, a self-styled computerized therapist who lived on a floppy disk that I bought in...

March 3rd, 2023

How to walk in the dark

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

“You don’t need to know a whole book in order to write the first page. You need only the desire to create something that will say what you feel needs to be said,...

February 4th, 2023

Becoming an influencer

By Alan Bodnar Ph.D.

What’s the world coming to when our children dream of becoming YouTube influencers when they grow up? Not so long ago, I came across a study conducted by the Lego corporation...