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Continuing education credits for all

By John Grohol, Psy.D.
April 12th, 2021

Continuing education (CE) is a vital part of a psychologists’ on-going training and keeping up with the latest developments in the field. Twenty years ago, the only way to attain your continuing education credits was by attending an in-person seminar or workshop. While this is a great format for learning, we’ve seen the benefits of learning through other, more convenient options.

One of those options is through taking your continuing education courses online. As we’ve learned during the pandemic, online learning is a powerful choice because it provides the convenience and access that in-person courses don’t.

There will always be in-person continuing education workshops because nothing beats the face-to-face experience (and hands-on exercises) that only such courses can offer. But it’s nice to have options – especially if you find yourself coming up on your deadline for credits.

We’ve partnered with Triad, through their Association for Advanced Training in the Behavioral Sciences (AATBS), to offer you a 15 percent discount off of their online catalog of continuing education courses.

“Through our partnership we will be offering discounted access to Triad’s Continuing Education library, available through our AATBS brand, to help psychologists in the region meet their continuing education requirements,” said Triad CEO Brandon Jones.

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“Our CE library includes more than 250 unique courses – more than 800 hours of CE – and is regularly updated to include new courses on relevant and trending topics.” It’s really a well-rounded offering, one I encourage you to check out.

Just use coupon code NEPSY to access the discount:


Triad also has something else of interest to our readers – a new behavioral and mental health online hub for psychologists. We’ve checked it out and really liked what they’re trying to build over there – curated information, community, and career resources all in one location. Registration is free, so I encourage you to check that out as well:


Here’s to welcoming spring and whatever the new post-pandemic normal will be, come summertime.

Visit their website:

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