The Groden Network
Groden Center Day School
From the school: Providing a continuum of care for individuals with autism and developmental disabilities since 1976.
School & Youth Residential programs: Peggy Stocker 401-274-6310 x 1125
Adult Programs: Kerri Donecker 401-751-0459 x 1423
AGES/GRADES: Males and females ages 3-21, 5-7 day per week, 12 month per year program; day and/or residential, summer program also available.
THERAPEUTIC SERVICES: Offer residential services, professional family living arrangement, in-home therapeutic services for families, consultative services for school districts, outpatient services, integrated preschool, and year-round educational and vocational and transition programming.
THERAPEUTIC ORIENTATION: Applied behavior analysis.
POPULATION SERVED: Autism spectrum and related disorders of communication and development, and dually diagnosed.
LICENSURE: Licensed by the RI Dept. of Education and Dept. of Children, Youth and Families; RIDE; BHDDH; CARF accredited. Licensed in MA by DPH.
COMMENTS: The Groden Center, experts in autism treatment, accepts students from throughout New England, as well as nationally and internationally. Their mission is to support their clients and their families to lead productive and dignified lives.