Classified Advertising

Are you a psychologist looking for office space, a new job, therapy groups forming, or a new product or service? New England Psychologist Classifieds have got you covered! Online ads run for two months from the date of submission.

Classified Rates

  • Office space or groups forming:
    $55/20 words, $110/40 words, $185/more than 40 words
  • Product or service:
    $75/20 words, $140/40 words, $235/more than 40 words
  • Help wanted/jobs:
    $150/20 words, $285/40 words, $495/more than 40 words

Please note: Add $15 to any of the above prices if your ad is not submitted online through the link below (e.g., if you submit instead via a print form or email).

Print Ads Included at No Additional Charge
If you place your ad online today, we will run your ad automatically in the next quarterly print edition of New England Psychologist. Ads more than 40 words will be truncated and linked to the full listing on

For all advertising questions, ad placements, or classified ads, please email

Get started: Submit New Classified Ad | Manage My Ads


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